Bad News and Good News
March 2, 2013


We’re about two weeks into the unemployment and, of course, there are big changes around here. Some good, some not so good. I wrote about it last week. 

Bad news first:

  • We’re in only-spend-money-on-necessities mode. That means no extras; no restaurants, no clothes shopping and no hair appointments. Very first-world-problems. I know. Almost ridiculously so. In fact, I’m a little ashamed.

Good news:

  • The smell of coffee in the house in the mornings. I love the smell of coffee β€” just don’t make me drink the stuff. Jim loves coffee and does the whole bean grinding thing and it smells heavenly.
  • More time together. It’s kind of nice having him around more. We have more time to just sit and talk. He’s available to do things like come with me to hear me speak to a class about my work.
  • We get to work together. There’s really not much I can do to help him, except use my gifts and abilities to do things that enhance his networking abilities. Which includes helping him write a cover letter, and putting up this website to highlight his experience and qualifications. And I’ve taught him about things like Dropbox and Google Drive, which is kinda fun.
  • The next opportunity is going to rock. We’ve been through this before and ended up with a much better position with much better pay. We’re confident that this time it’ll work out for the best as well.
  • We’re in only-spend-money-on-necessities mode. Yeah, that’s also good news. It’s not a negative thing, especially during Lent, to contemplate what we truly need, rather than what we want. I wish I could say that by our own choice, we’ve stepped back from the daily luxuries we enjoy, but we needed some … encouragement.

Notice there’s only really one bit of bad news, among so much good. And that bad news is also good news. The positive outweighs the negative, and when you strip away the extras, what’s left are the things of true value β€” people, relationships, time together and all that we will learn from this experience.

We really do believe Romans 8:28:

We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose.

We believe that means all things; not just the ones we think are good things, but all things.

This is going to be fun to watch.



  1. Dave B.

    Seems like you’re “Blooming where you’re planted”, and that’s sweet awesomeness. Cheers to your perspectives, faith, and approach.

    • beth g sanders

      Yeah, Dave, that’s what we’re going for. Thanks for your cheers πŸ™‚

  2. Mark P

    Jim do you like bold roasts?

    • beth g sanders

      YES, he does. Not that I have a clue what that means.


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